Not so long time ago, in one of our shop came in a gentleman and he was starting to look at the
items displace in the show room, toilets, lavatories, cabinets, bath tubs and showers. I was with one of my manager in the shop and
my attention was diverted by the client. I let my manager know there is something interesting with our new client. After he was looking enough time he was touching with one of his finger few items and after that he was watching very close his finger. I was intrigue but in the mean time I knew his gesture was something which i badly wanted to know what means. We approach him and ask if is looking for something and he said I want to by for my apartment all the fixtures and ceramic tile from this store. I said I am glad to here that and also I brought to his attention what I have been notice his gesture. He gave me a life lesson. He said it was the first store in the town which didn't have on the items dust, and those was clean as a whistle. Also he said if you are invited to eat somewhere, at friends house or whatever first you have to ask permission to go to the bathroom and if the toilet it is clean like a whistle you can eat in that house because certainly the food will be fresh and clean. So much true.