Sunday, May 28, 2017

Summer 2017

Summer of 2017 is around the corner. Spring is almost gone. Some rains with kind of intensity in May. We just want to remind you the summer usually brings thunderstorms which creates lots of problem in the homes. Will be great if you will check with your local plumber or sewer technicians if your main sewer line is in good shape. It makes the difference after a thunderstorm. Also the sump pump and the battery backup is important to be check. The power outage will let you without electricity. The pump will not work and than to have a battery back up is very important. Are you ready for the Summer now?

BBP Plumbing Inc.

Monday, May 1, 2017

After a long time

Unfortunately it has been a long time since our last post. Our company have been grown to a certain level where we consider we need to improve in order to be succesfull in the future. For that reason and only we've been out for this blog for a litle more than one month. But now we are back and we will bring more information about our activity, about the news in this wonderfull trade: PLUMBING.
   So lets start with some jokes about plumbing.

 What do you call a person who picks plums? A plumber!

Don't be racist, be like Mario. He's an Italian plumber, created by Japanese people, who speaks English, and looks like a Mexican

 A man at a bus station shows off pictures of his three sons to an acquaintance. “What do your boys do for a living?” asked the man.“Well the two youngest ones are both neurosurgeons,” he replied.
“What does the oldest do?”
“He’s a plumber. How else would the other two have been able to afford medical school?”

We see you next time