Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day!

Our life is better because of them! Because of them we are free! We have to honor them. Today is Memorial Day!


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Just a question

Just a question for today. What complaint has to be bigger, when the customer is not receiving the service which will be expected or when the company after is sending a free estimate is not receiving, ever a simple yes or no from the customer?


Sunday, May 15, 2016

New homeowners

More and more young families are buying houses and starts a new life. Most of them are moving from their parents house where most of the time where not involves in the day by day houses problems like regularly maintenance of the house or emergencies. Now it is different. They have responsibilities to maintain their houses and of course to improve the environment where they live. So in the plumbing and sewer side our recommendation once they move to hire a plumber and inspect all the plumbing and sewer installation. The house inspection, we consider is not sufficient to detect eventually issues, most of the time is made very superficial. Here is a list of what we recommend to be inspected soon as you move in:

1. Main sewer line with  a video camera.
2. Outside spigots if they are frost free or regular.
3. Floor drains in the basements.
4. Kitchen sink drain.
5. Water heater age.

There are other to be checked but those are the most important.


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Outside bathtubs

Outside is still under the right temp to take a bath in the lake or swimming pool but we propose to you to dream with us. So we are giving you those... .