GasNetworks Fall Training Conference GasNetworks announces it will hold its 13th Annual Heating Professionals Fall Conference on Thursday, September 26, 2013, at the Lantana located in Randolph, MA.
The day-long conference will feature some of the best industry trainers and expert speakers and will focus on high efficiency natural gas heating, water heating, house control systems and installation best practices.
Preliminary sessions include such topics as hydronic heating, on-demand water heating, condensing & modulating boilers, emerging technologies and more.
Equipment manufacturers and suppliers will be on hand to display the latest in natural gas heating products and technology. A trade show and networking reception will be held at the end of the day.
Registration fee of only $65 includes: Breakfast, full conference, lunch and reception!
REGISTRATION INFORMATION AND THE FULL AGENDA will be available soon at www.gasnetworks.com
To register by phone: 1-877-363-8822
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Thank you, GasNetworks Training Committee |
The Federal Government has extended the tax credits that were due to expire until December 31, 2013. For a list of qualified equipment refer to Section 25C of the Internal Revenue Code. Because the credits were made retroactive to January 1, 2012, they can be used for qualified equipment that was installed any time after December 31, 2011. Qualified equipment includes:
Water Heaters ($300 Tax Credit)
- Electric heat pump water heaters with an energy factor of at least 2.0
- Natural gas, propane, or oil water heater with an energy factor of at least 0.82 or a thermal efficiency of at least 90 percent
Furnaces ($150 Tax Credit)
- Natural gas, propane, or oil furnace with an AFUE of not less than 95
Boilers ($150 Tax Credit)
- Natural gas, propane, or oil boiler with an AFUE of not less than 95
Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps ($300 Tax Credit)
- Split system central air conditioner that achieves the highest efficiency CEE tier as of January 1, 2009 (16 SEER; 13 EER)
- Packaged central air conditioner that achieves the highest efficiency CEE tier as of January 1, 2009 (14 SEER; 12 EER)
- Split system electric heat pump that achieves the highest efficiency CEE tier as of January 1, 2009 (8.5 HSPF; 12.5 EER; 15 SEER)
- Packaged electric heat pump that achieves the highest efficiency CEE tier as of January 1, 2009 (8.0 HSPF; 12.0 EER; 14 SEER)
Advanced Main Air Circulating Fan ($50 Tax Credit)
- A fan used in a natural gas, propane, or oil furnace with an annual electricity use of no more than 2 percent of the total energy use of the furnace.
*For specific Tax questions, please consult your Tax Advisor
How does AFUE recalculations for modulating condensing hot water boilers affect GasNetworks 2013 rebates?
- If the modulating condensing boiler is installed before March 1, 2013; GasNetworks will verify rebate eligibility according to the Pre-AHRI/November 20th Residential Boiler Directory. CLICK HERE to access the Pre-AHRI/November 20th Residential Boiler Directory.
- If the unit is installed on or after March 1, 2013, GasNetworks will verify rebate eligibility according the live AHRI Residential Boiler Directory located athttp://www.ahridirectory.org/ahridirectory/pages/home.aspx
- Many manufacturers are working to retest their models following the revised AHRI test protocol. Updated AFUE ratings will be posted to the AHRI directory as they are made available.
On November 19, 2012, the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) released the following notification regarding errors in the AFUE calculations of residential modulating condensing boilers. These AFUE errors affect modulating condensing boilers and does not affect non-modulating condensing boilers. AHRI is the certifying entity of the boiler industry’s efficiency ratings program and certifies all AHRI participating manufacturers’ products to the United States Department of Energy (USDoE) regulations which are based upon the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Condition Engineers (ASHRAE) test protocols.
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